Component Tests and General Diagnostics
1. Disconnect pressure hose at pump. Use small container to catch any fluid which might leak.
2. Connect spare pressure hose to pump.
3. Connect pressure gauge J-5176-D to both hoses. Adapter J-38049-38 is required for 3.8L (VIN L) engine.
4. Open valve on gauge.
5. Start engine. Allow system to reach operating temperature, then check fluid level and add fluid if required.
6. when engine is at normal operating temperature, pressure reading on gauge (valve open) should be 80-125 psi. If pressure is more than 200 psi., check hoses for restrictions and poppet valve on steering gear for proper assembly.
7. Fully close valve three times. Do not leave valve fully closed for more than five seconds, as pump could be damaged.. Record pressure reading each time valve is closed. Three readings should be within 50 psi. of each other.
a. If pressure readings are high enough, and are within 50 psi. of each other, pump is functioning properly.
b. If pressure readings are high enough, but are not within 50 psi. of each other, flow control valve in pump is sticking. Remove and clean valve. Remove any burrs using crocus cloth or fine hone. If system contains some dirt, flush system. If system is exceptionally dirty, both pump and steering gear must be completely disassembled, cleaned and reassembled.
8. If pump checks to specifications, leave valve open and turn steering wheel to both stops. Record highest pressures and compare with highest pump pressure recorded. If pressure at both stops is not the same as maximum pressure, steering gear is leaking internally and must be disassembled and repaired.
9. Turn engine Off, then remove testing gauge and spare hose. Reconnect pressure hose, check fluid level or make needed repairs.