Preliminary Information
Any gear-driven unit produces a certain amount of noise that is normal and cannot be eliminated by conventional repairs or adjustment. Slight noise that is heard only at a certain speed or under unusual or remote conditions is acceptable. For example, this noise tends to reach a peak at speeds from 60 to 100 km/h (40 to 60 mph) depending upon road and load conditions, or upon gear ratio and tire size, and does not indicate trouble in the axle assembly.When an axle is suspected of being noisy, make a thorough test to determine whether the noise originates in the tires, road surface, wheel bearings, engine, transmission, propeller shaft, or axle assembly. Raising tire pressure to eliminate tire noise (although this will not silence tread noise of mud and snow tires) and listening for the noise at varying speeds and road surfaces, in drive, float, and coast conditions will help to locate the source of noise.