Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Remove and Install

Front Window Regulator:

Note: The power window motor is not serviced. It is replaced as a unit with the regulator.

Remove or Disconnect
1. Negative battery cable (with power door components).
2. Door trim panel. Refer to Door Trim Panel. Doors
3. Water deflector.
4. Door lock linkage.
5. Door module and glass. Refer to Door Module.
6. Window.

^ Bend the tab down on the window run channel to slide the door glass from the regulator roller assembly.

7. Regulator assembly rivets.
8. Regulator and motor as a unit.

Install or Connect
1. Regulator and motor assembly to the module panel.
2. Window.

^ Bend the tab upward on the window run channel.

3. Window and module to the door.
4. Lock rods to the retainer clips.
5. Module panel screws, starling with the top front and top rear screws.
6. Door lock linkage.
7. New water deflectors. Refer to Door Inner Panel Water Deflector.
8. Door trim panel. Refer to Door Trim Panel.
9. Negative battery cable (power components only).