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Axle Shaft Replace

Full-Floating Axle (10 1/2 Inch Ring Gear)

Fig. 3 Axle, Hub & Drum Components.:

Remove or Disconnect

1. Bolts (55).
- Rap the axle shaft (53) flange lightly with a soft faced hammer to loosen the shaft.
- Grip the rib on the axle shaft (53) flange with a locking plier and twist, to start shaft removal.
2. Axle shaft (52) from the tube.


- Axle shaft (53) flange. Remove old RTV or gasket (51).
- Outside face of the hub assembly.


- All parts and replace as necessary.

Install or Connect

1. Axle shaft (53) with a gasket or RTV applied.
- Be sure the shaft splines mesh into the differential side gear.
- Align the axle shaft holes with the hub holes.
2. Bolts (55). Tighten bolts (55) to 156 Nm (115 lb ft).