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Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair

Fig. 6 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove intake manifold.
3. Label, then remove injection lines.
4. Remove rocker arm covers.
5. Drain cooling system, then raise and support vehicle.
6. Disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold.
7. Lower vehicle. Remove A/C compressor from right side cylinder head, then disconnect ground strap.
8. Remove following components from the left cylinder head:
a. Remove power steering pump and position aside.
b. Remove alternator and rear bracket and position aside.
c. Remove left side engine accessory bracket.
d. Remove wiring harness attaching clips and position aside.
e. Remove glow plug relay and dipstick tube.
9. Disconnect coolant sensor electrical connector from cylinder head.
10. Disconnect and remove glow plug wires.
11. Remove rocker arm assemblies and pushrods. Place components on a workbench in order removed for installation in cylinders from which they were removed.
12. Disconnect radiator, bypass and heater hoses.
13. Remove ground straps.
14. Remove water crossover pipe and thermostat housing assembly.
15. Remove cylinder head attaching bolts. The rear bolt in the left side cylinder head may have to remain in the head during removal.
16. Remove cylinder head.
17. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Ensure cylinder head bolt threads are clean.
b. Apply sealant to the cylinder head bolt threads and under bolt heads.
c. Torque cylinder head bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 6, in three steps. First torque all bolts to 20 ft. lbs. Then torque all bolts to 50 ft. lbs. Finally torque all bolts an additional 90° (1/4 turn).