Valve Guide Seal: Service and Repair
Fig. 18 Valves and Components:
Compressing The Valve Springs:
Testing The Valve Seals:
^ J-23590, Air adapter.
^ J-5892-B, Spring compressor.
^ J-23738-A, Vacuum pump.
1. Rocker arm cover and the rocker arms.
2. Spark plugs.
3. Valve keepers.
^ Install J-23590 into the spark plug hole and apply compressed air to hold the valves in place.
^ Install a rocker arm nut and use J-5892-B to compress the valve spring.
^ Remove the valve keepers.
^ Carefully release the spring tension, then remove J-5892-B.
4. Cap and/or rotator, shield and spring with damper.
5. 0-ring seal and then, (intake valve only), the seal.
1. New seal (intake valve only). Install the seal over the valve stem and seat it against the head.
2. Spring with damper, shield, cap and/or rotator.
3. New 0-ring seal and valve keepers.
^ With air pressure applied to the cylinder with J-23590, compress the spring with J-5892-B.
^ Lubricate the 0-ring seal with engine oil. Install the seal on the valve stem. Make sure the seal is not twisted.
^ Install the valve keepers using grease to hold them in place.
^ Carefully release spring pressure making sure the valve keepers stay in place, then remove J-5892-B and J-23590.
^ Check each 0-ring seal for leakage.
^ Place the suction cup furnished with J-23738-A over the shield.
^ Connect J-23738-A to the suction cup and apply a vacuum. Watch the vacuum pump gage. No air should be able to leak past the seal. If the seal will not hold a vacuum, it may have been damaged or improperly installed.
4. Spark plugs and the rocker arms.
5. Adjust the valves and install the rocker arm cover.