1. Install blocker ring and reverse speed gear.2. Using input shaft press tube tool No. J361833 and adapter press tube reducer tool No. J36184 or equivalents press 5th-reverse synchronizer assembly with synchronizer ring onto mainshaft, noting the following:
a. Position synchronizer assembly so the two grooves on the outside of the sleeve are on the 5th gear side, and the one groove is toward the reverse gear.
b. Manually align and engage splines.
c. Press until seated.
d. Ensure all metal shavings are removed.
e. Install new snap ring.
3. Install 5th speed gear and 1st speed gear on opposite sides of shaft.
4. Install synchronizer inner ring, middle cone and blocker ring.
5. Using input shaft press tube tool No. J361833 and adapter press tube reducer tool No. J36184 or equivalents, press 1st-2nd, synchronizer assembly with both synchronizer rings onto mainshaft, noting the following:
a. The groove on the outside of the sleeve must go towards the 1st speed gear to prevent gear clash during 1st and 2nd gear shifts.
b. Manually align and engage splines.
c. Start press operation, stop before tangs engage.
d. Lift and rotate gear to engage synchronizer ring.
e. Continue to press until seated.
f. Ensure all metal shavings are removed.
g. Install new snap ring.
6. Install blocker ring, middle cone and inner ring.
7 Install 2nd speed gear, thrust washer, pin and retainer ring. Install retainer ring with locating dots facing upward.
8. Using input shaft press tube tool No. J361833 and adapter press tube reducer tool No. J36184 or equivalents, press 1st-2nd synchronizer assembly with both synchronizer rings onto mainshaft, noting the following:
a. Manually align and engage splines.
b. Start press operation, stop before tangs engage.
c. Lift and rotate gear to engage synchronizer ring.
d. Continue to press until seated.
e. Ensure all metal shavings are removed.
f. Install new snap ring.