Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Notes, Warnings, and Hints

- Clean the shoes, hardware, and backing-plate thoroughly for the following reasons.
- Initially the springs will appear black (from brake dust). The springs are actually color coded and it is very important to reinstall the springs in the correct location.
- The shoes and hardware will need to be cleaned to determine if an overheating condition has occurred (discolored bluish-purple).
- Inhaling brake dust is VERY HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH.

WARNING: Do not use compressed air to clean the brake assembly.

- Verify the Leading and Trailing shoes are installed in the correct relationship.

- Verify the new brake components exactly match the old ones.

- If there is any possibility that the shoes may reused, remove any drip pans that may be under the brake assembly and handle the shoes carefully when removing.

NOTE: WORK ON ONE SIDE AT A TIME (unless you are very familiar with the system). The other side may then be used as a model for reassembling.

- Clean and lubricate the backing-plate contact pads with a high temperature silicone lubricant.

- Verify the Leading and Trailing shoes are installed in the correct relationship.

- Any contamination should be removed from the new shoes immediately. If very light hand sanding will not remove the contamination the shoes should be discared.
- When replacing shoes/linings or drums always replace both sides per axle. If only one side is replaced a steering pull may develop during braking.
- If brake hardware is being replaced, verify that both the color and shape of the new springs match the old springs.
- Prior to reinstalling the drum, the automatic adjuster will need to be backed off to accommodate for the increased thickness of the new shoes/linings.