Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fog/Driving Lamp: Description and Operation

Voltage is supplied to the Fog Lamp Relay at all times through the ORN/BLK (60) wire and the PWR ACC circuit breaker. When the Fog Lamp switch is ON, voltage is supplied to the coil of the Fog Lamp Relay through the BRN (9) wire. Ground for the coil is provided through the YEL (317) wire, the Logic Circuit of the Fog Lamp Switch, the BLK (150) wire to the Convenience Center and Ground G202. With the relay energized, voltage is provided to the Fog Lamps through the PPL (34) wire. The Fog Lamp Indicator is illuminated by the Logic Circuit located in the Fog Lamp Switch.

If the headlamps are on HIGH BEAM, voltage is supplied to LT GRN (11) wire to the Logic Circuit of the Fog Lamp Switch. This interrupts the voltage for the Fog Lamps and de-energizes the circuit.