Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Conventional Mounted

V5 Compressor, Multi-Groove:

Vehicles using the V5 compressor may have differences between installations in the mounting brackets, drive systems, pulleys, connections, and system capacities. Basic overhaul procedures are similar between compressors used on different vehicles.

When servicing the compressor, keep dirt and foreign material from getting on or into the compressor parts and system. Clean tools and a clean work area are important for proper service. The compressor connections and the outside of the compressor should be cleaned before any "on-vehicle" repairs, or before removal of the compressor. The parts must be kept clean at all times and any parts to be reassembled should be cleaned with naphtha, stoddard solvent, kerosene or equivalent solvent and dried with dry air. Use only lint free cloths to wipe parts.

The operations described below are based on bench overhaul with the compressor removed from the car, except as noted. They have been prepared in order of accessibility of the components.

When a compressor is removed from the car for servicing, the amount of Polyalkylene Glycol Synthetic Refrigerant Oil (PAG) Lubricant remaining in the compressor should be drained, measured and recorded. This PAG Lubricant should then be discarded and an equal amount of new PAG Lubricant added to the compressor.

NOTICE: Up to 120 ml (4 oz.) of PAG Lubricant can collect in the crankcase. Therefore. it is important when replacing a compressor that the PAG Lubricant in the old compressor crankcase be drained thru the drain plug and measured (discard after recording amount).

All replacement compressors will be shipped with 270 ml (9 oz.) of PAG Lubricant in the crankcase. This lubricant must be drained and retained. Then replace the lubricant in the same amount as previously recorded from the old compressor. NOTE: Replace only with GM approved PAG Lubricant.