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Cleaning Precautions

The upper manifold contains integral sealed throttle shaft bearings and parts that should not be cleaned or soaked in a cold immersion cleaner. Use carburetor choke cleaner and a shop towel or non-metallic parts cleaning brush to remove any carbon deposits.

The upper manifold assembly contains the Throttle Position (TP) sensor, Idle Air Control (IAC) valve, and sealed throttle shaft bearings which should not be subjected to a strong solvent or cleaner bath. A chemical reaction will cause the parts containing rubber to swell, harden or distort, and the cleaner will also wash away the sealed bearing grease, or weaken its lubrication properties.

The lower manifold assembly contains four bottom feed fuel injectors and a pressure regulator assembly. Do not place these parts in a strong solvent or cleaner bath. After removal of the injector retaining bracket, regulator and injectors, the lower manifold assembly may be cleaned in a cold immersion cleaner, such as GM X-55 or equivalent.