Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Road Test Procedure

1. Before beginning road test, perform garage shift check as follows:

a. Start engine and depress brake pedal.

b. Move gear selector from Park to Reverse to Neutral, then Neutral to Drive.

c. Gear selections should be immediate and not harsh.

2. Begin road test with gear selector in Drive.

3. Accelerate using a steady increasing throttle pressure.

4. Note shift speed point gear engagements for 2nd and 3rd gear. Compare shifts points with the figures.

5. Note shift speed point for torque converter clutch apply. The TCC should apply between 23 and 42 mph. The TCC will not apply if engine coolant temperature is below 130°F (540 °C).

6. With vehicle speed between 25 and 55 mph, quickly depress accelerator to a half open position. The TCC should release and transaxle should shift into 2nd gear immediately.

7. With vehicle speed between 25 and 55 mph, quickly depress accelerator to a wide open position. The TCC should release and transaxle should shift into 2nd gear immediately.

8. With vehicle speed between 25 and 55 mph, release accelerator pedal while moving gear selector to 2nd gear. The TCC should release, transaxle should downshift to 2nd gear immediately and engine should slow down the vehicle.

9. Move gear selector to Drive and accelerate vehicle to 25 mph. Release accelerator pedal while moving gear selector to 1st gear. The TCC should release, transaxle should downshift to 1st gear immediately and engine should slow down the vehicle.

10. With gear selector in Drive, accelerate until vehicle shifts into 3rd gear and TCC is applied.Release accelerator and lightly apply brake. The TCC should release, then note downshift speed points and compare results with speed points shown in the figures.

11. With vehicle stopped, place gear selector in "Second" gear. Accelerate vehicle to 25 mph, TCC should not engage and 2nd to 3rd gear shift should not occur. Note 1st to 2nd gear shift point, compare with shift points shown in the figures.

12. With vehicle stopped, place gear selector in "First " and accelerate to 15 mph. No upshift should occur and TCC should not engage.

13. With vehicle stopped, place gear selector in "Reverse", slowly accelerate vehicle and ensure reverse gear operation is smooth.