Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rear Suspension

Stabilizer Shaft Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Support the rear axle at curb height.

Important: Do not attempt to hold the stabilizer shaft link near the boot. Use the hex feature on the end of the stud. Failure to do so could damage the boot.

3. Remove the stabilizer shaft to link nut.

4. Remove the stabilizer shaft insulator bracket mounting bolts.
5. Remove the stabilizer shaft.
6. Remove the stabilizer shaft insulator brackets.
7. Remove the stabilizer shaft insulators.

Installation Procedure

1. Install the stabilizer shaft insulators to the stabilizer shaft.
2. Install the stabilizer shaft.
3. Install the stabilizer shaft insulator brackets to the rear axle.
4. Install the stabilizer shaft bracket mounting bolts.

Important: Do not attempt to hold the stabilizer shaft link near the boot. Use the hex feature on the end of the stud. Failure to do so could damage the boot.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

5. Install the stabilizer shaft to link nut.
5.1. Tighten the stabilizer bar link nut to 44 Nm (32 ft. lbs.).
5.2. Tighten the insulator bracket bolts to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.).
6. Remove the rear axle support.
7. Lower the vehicle.