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Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction

Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction

One Piece Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction

An out of phase single-piece propeller shaft is very unusual. If the shaft is visibly out of place, the end yokes are welded on in the wrong position, or the shaft is damaged due to twisting, the propeller shaft requires replacement.

Multiple-Piece Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction

There are two possible causes for an out of phase multiple-piece propeller shaft:

1. Inspect the shaft to see if it is visibly out of place, the end yokes are welded on in the wrong position, or the shaft is damaged due to twisting. If any of these conditions apply, replace the propeller shaft.
2. If the propeller shaft assembly has no visual physical defects and the propeller shaft phasing inspection procedure indicated that the propeller shafts were out of phase, perform the following:

1. Remove the yoke from the spline shaft and determine if it is possible to correct the out of phase condition by reinstalling the yoke on a different position on the spline shaft.
2. If it is possible to reinstall the yoke on a different position on the spline shaft, determine the correct location, reinstall the yoke to the spline shaft, and reinspect the phasing of the propeller shafts.
3. If it is not possible to reinstall the yoke on a different position on the spline shaft and the propeller shaft phasing inspection procedure indicated that the propeller shafts were out of phase, replace the defective propeller shaft.