Rear - Cab/Chassis
IMPORTANT: Clean the fuel and evaporative emission (EVAP) connections and surrounding area prior to disconnecting the lines in order to avoid possible system contamination.
1. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure Relief Procedure.
2. Loosen the fuel fill pipe hose clamp (2) at the tank.
3. Loosen the fuel vent pipe hose clamp (1) at the tank.
4. Remove the fuel fill and vent hoses from the tank.
5. Drain the fuel tank. Refer to Fuel Tank Draining Procedure.
6. Disconnect the fuel tank pressure sensor electrical connector.
7. Disconnect the fuel feed and EVAP (evaporative emission) quick connect fittings.
8. Cap the fuel/EVAP lines in order to prevent possible system contamination.
9. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
10. Remove the fuel tank shield bolts.
11. Remove the fuel tank shield.
12. Place a suitable adjustable jack under the fuel tank.
13. Remove the fuel tank strap bolts.
14. Remove the fuel tank straps.
15. Lower the fuel tank.
16. With the aid of an assistant, place the fuel tank in a suitable work area.
17. If necessary, remove the sending unit.
1. If necessary, install the sending unit.
2. With the aid of an assistant, place the fuel tank on the jack.
3. Raise the fuel tank.
4. Install the fuel tank straps.
NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
5. Install the fuel tank strap bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 40 N.m (30 lb ft).
6. Remove the jack from under the fuel tank.
7. Install the fuel tank shield.
8. Install the fuel tank shield bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 18 N.m (13 lb ft).
9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Remove the caps from the fuel/EVAP lines.
11. Connect the fuel feed and EVAP quick connect fittings.
12. Connect the fuel tank pressure sensor electrical connector.
13. Install the fuel fill and vent hoses to the tank.
14. Tighten the fuel vent pipe hose clamp (1) at the tank.
15. Tighten the fuel fill pipe hose clamp (2) at the tank.
Tighten the clamps to 2.5 N.m (22 lb in).
16. Refill the fuel tank.
17. Install the fuel fill cap.
18. Connect the negative battery cable.
19. Perform the following steps in order to inspect for leaks.
1. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF, for 2 seconds.
2. Turn the ignition OFF for 10 seconds.
3. Turn the ignition ON, with the engine OFF.
4. Inspect for fuel leaks.