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Coolant Temperature Sensor/Switch (For Computer): Service and Repair



NOTE: Use care when handling the coolant sensor. Damage to the coolant sensor will affect the operation of the fuel control system.

1. Drain the cooling system to a level below the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Refer to Draining and Filling Cooling System (w/RPO HP2) Draining and Filling Cooling System (w/o RPO HP2) in Cooling System.
2. Disconnect the ECT sensor electrical connector (3).

3. Remove the ECT sensor electrical connector from the oil fill tube bracket.

4. Remove the ECT sensor.


1. If installing the old sensor, coat the threads with sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian P/N 10953480) or equivalent.

NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

2. Install the ECT sensor.

Tighten the sensor to 50 N.m (37 lb ft).

3. Install the ECT sensor electrical connector to the oil fill tube bracket.

4. Connect the ECT sensor electrical connector (3).
5. Refill the cooling system. Refer to Draining and Filling Cooling System (w/RPO HP2) Draining and Filling Cooling System (w/o RPO HP2) in Cooling System.