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Theft Deterrent - Immobilizer - Some Export Vehicles



8 - Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays the 8 - Digit GM Part Number. The scan tool displays the part number of the control module.

Auto. Learn Counter: The scan tool displays 0-3. The scan tool displays the current state of the Auto. Learn Timer Counter. The Auto. Learn Counter must increment a total of 3 times in order for the relearn procedure to be complete.

Auto. Learn Timer Status: The scan tool displays: 00 Sec. - 10:00 Min. The scan tool displays the current state of the Auto. Learn Timer which increments in 10 second intervals. The Auto. Learn Timer must time out 3 times in order for the relearn procedure to be complete.

Battery Voltage: The scan tool displays 0-30 volts. The scan tool displays the current Battery Voltage input.

Calibration ID: The scan tool displays the Calibration ID. Display indicates the calibration ID of the VTD systems module.

Dash Mode: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the vehicle is equipped with a dash mounted ignition switch.

Export Mode: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system is configured as export. The scan tool displays Off when the VTD system is configured as domestic.

First Key Flag: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the theft deterrent control module is ready to learn the first key transponder value.

Fuel Continue: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has read a valid key and is sending its fuel continue password via the serial data circuit.

Fuel Disable Ignition Off: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the PCM has received the fuel disable password from the VTD system. This indicates the PCM will not allow fuel delivery until the ignition is switched off prior to another start attempt.

Ignition Counter: The scan tool displays 0-255. The module counts each time the ignition is cycled from ON to OFF.

Ignition Voltage: The scan tool displays 0-18. The scan tool displays the current ignition voltage.

Julian Date of Build: The scan tool displays the Julian Date of Build. Display indicates the date the module was built.

Manufactures Enable Counter: The scan tool displays 0-255. The Manufactures Enable Counter is cleared prior to leaving the assembly plant. This data value is for use at the assembly plant only.

Master Keys Learned: The scan tool displays 0-10. The scan tool displays the number of learned master keys.

No. of Key Codes Learned: The scan tool displays 1-10. The scan tool displays the number of transponder values learned by the theft deterrent control module.

Password Learning Enabled: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system is in the password learn state.

PROM ID: The scan tool displays the PROM ID. The scan tool displays the 4- digit internal PROM ID of the module.

Report Password: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has sent its fuel continue password to the PCM via the serial data circuit.

Start Disable: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has disabled sending the fuel continue password to the PCM. The PCM will not command the starter relay on.

Tamper Flag: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has read a key transponder value that has not been previously learned.

Two Good Keys Flag: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system is ready to learn the 2 key transponder values.

Theft Problem: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has read a problem.

Valet Flag: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has read the key transponder being used is coded as a valet key.

VTD Fail Enable: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays On when the VTD system has been configured with VTD fail enable.

VTD States: The scan tool displays Ignition Off/Normal Decision/Learn First key/Tamper/Monitor Key/Fail Enable/Learn More Keys/Seedkey Lrn Pend/Seedkey Learn/Auto Learn Pend/Auto Learn/Wakeup/No Coded Key/Check Second Key/Auto Lrn Done/Vin Check/Vin Timer. The scan tool displays the current state of the VTD system.

Year Module Built: The scan tool displays the year the module was built.