24. Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation
Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation
1. Install the parking lock bracket (86).
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution (Fastener Caution).
2. Install the parking lock bracket bolt (87) and tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb ft).
3. Inspect the following items:
* The parking brake pawl (81) for damage or cracks
* The parking pawl return spring (80) for being broken or missing
4. Inspect the following items:
* Manual shaft (84) for damage or burrs
* Parking lock actuator assembly (85) for damage
* Manual shift detent lever with shaft position switch assembly (88) for damage or cracks
* Manual valve link (89) for damage
* Manual shift detent lever pin (92) discard, do not reuse
5. Install the following items:
* Manual shift detent lever with shaft position switch assembly (88)
* Parking lock actuator assembly (85)
* Manual shaft (84) (model dependent)
* NEW manual shift detent lever pin (92)
* Manual valve link (89)