Suspension - Clunking Noise from Rear Of Vehicle
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 09-03-09-001A
Date: April 13, 2011
Subject: Clunking Noise from Rear of Vehicle (Retorque Leaf Spring Bolts)
2007-2012 Chevrolet Silverado
2007-2012 GMC Sierra
This bulletin is being revised to add model years. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 09-03-09-001 (Section 03 -- Suspension).
Some customers may comment about a clunking noise coming from the rear of the vehicle. Upon further investigation, the technician may diagnose the noise coming from the rear suspension leaf spring area.
The noise may be resolved by retorquing the joints of the leaf spring assembly.
1. Support the vehicle at curb height when retorquing the leaf spring bolts/nuts.
Do not remove the fuel tank.
2. Loosen the shackle joint to the frame, front eye joint to the frame, rear eye to shackle joint and the anchor plate U-bolts.
3. Re-torque the shackle joint to the frame and to the rear eye.
Tighten the shackle nut to 95 Nm (73 lb ft).
4. Re-torque the anchor plate U-bolts (1, 2, 3 and 4).
Tighten the nut to 100 Nm (74 lb ft).
5. Re-torque the front rear spring mounting nut.
Tighten the front nut to 200 Nm (148 lb ft).
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the right side leaf spring.
7. Re-test the vehicle for the same clunking noise. If the issue remains, follow the regular repair procedure.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.