Electrical - Water Leak Causes Weak/Dead Battery/No Start
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 12-08-57-001
Date: May 23, 2012
Subject: Weak/Dead Battery, No Start/Battery Drain, No Crank with or without the Following DTCs: U0140, U0151, U0164, U0168, U0214, U0155, U0184, U0194, U0198, B1019, U0170, C0561 in Low Speed Modules
2008-2012 Chevrolet Silverado
2008-2012 GMC Sierra
Some customers may comment on intermittent no crank/no start, a weak/dead battery or battery drain. The conditions could occur with or without the following DTCs: U0140, U0151, U0164, U0168, U0214, U0155, U0184, U0194, U0198, B1019, U0170, or C0561 in low speed modules.
Water may be found on the rear floor of the vehicle and/or the rear carpet may be wet. This condition may sometimes lead to a possible no start due to remote control door lock receiver (RCDLR) connector corrosion. Corrosion may be found in the RCDLR module and connector on circuits 1140 and 5060 (battery positive and low speed). Heavy rains can cause the condition to be more evident. Also, look for water stains on the interior headliner and corrosion evident on the RCDLR connector.
The cause of this condition may be water entering the vehicle through the center high mounted stop lamp (CHSML) opening, which may leak down the B and/or C-pillars.
To verify the condition, lower the headliner and water test by running water onto the outer CHSML area, while looking to verify any leak path down the B or C pillars. Refer to Headlining Trim Panel Replacement in SI.
If water intrusion is evident, seal the leak by performing the following steps:
1. Remove and clean the CHMSL. Refer to High Mount Stop Lamp Replacement in SI.
2. Apply a bead of *Kent Automotive High Tech(TM) Clear Seam Sealer (P/N P10200 5 oz. tube), or equivalent, along the outer edge of the lamp surface. This will provide an adequate seal between the body and the lamp housing.
3. Reinstall the CHMSL and remove any excess sealant. Refer to High Mount Stop Lamp Replacement in SI.
4. Reinstall the headliner. Refer to Headlining Trim Panel Replacement in SI.
5. If corrosion is found at the RCDLR module or connector, repair as necessary following the normal diagnostics/repairs referenced in SI.
* We believe this source and their products to be reliable. There may be additional manufacturers of such products/materials. General Motors does not endorse, indicate any preference for, or assume any responsibility for the products or material from this firm or for any such items that may be available from other sources.
Parts Information
High Tech(TM) Clear Seam Sealer is available from Kent Automotive at 1-800-654-6333 (in Canada, 1-800-563-1717) or online at www.kent-automotive.com.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the applicable published labor operation for the repair performed.