Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ignition System: Service and Repair

Fig. 13 Ignition coil installation. Models w/integral coil:


Units W/Integral Coil

1. Remove harness connector and battery wire from side of distributor cap.
2. Remove screws holding distributor cover to distributor cap and remove distributor cover.
3. Remove four screws holding coil to cap, Fig. 13.
4. Push coil leads out of position in cap and remove coil.
5. Reverse procedure to install.

Units With Remote Coil

1. Disconnect ignition switch to coil lead from coil.
2. Disconnect coil to distributor leads from coil.
3. Remove coil to engine retaining screws and remove coil.
4. Reverse procedure to install.


1. Disconnect wiring harness connector at side of distributor cap, if equipped, then remove distributor cap and rotor.
2. Remove two mounting screws, then lift module upward.
3. Disconnect electrical connectors from module noting installation position, then remove module.
4. Reverse procedure to install. Prior to installation, coat bottom of new module with dielectric grease (furnished with new module) to aid in heat transfer into distributor housing. Failure to apply grease will cause excessive heat at module and premature module failure.

Fig. 14 Distributor shield installation:

Fig. 15 Typical pickup coil assembly:



1. With distributor removed, disconnect pickup coil leads from module terminals.
2. Remove roll pin from drive gear by driving out with 1/8 inch diameter drift punch.
3. Remove gear, shim and the tanged washer from distributor shaft, as equipped. Remove any burrs that may have been caused by removal of pin.
4. Remove distributor shaft from housing.
5. Remove washer from upper end of distributor housing. Bushings in the housing are not serviceable.
6. Remove pickup coil shield, if equipped, then remove retaining screws and the pile piece, magnet and pick-up coil, Figs. 14 and 15.


1. Install pick-up coil, magnet and pole piece and loosely install three screws holding pole piece.
2. With washer installed at top of housing, temporarily install distributor shaft and rotate to check for proper clearance between pole piece teeth and timer core teeth.
3. If necessary, realign pole piece to provide adequate clearance and secure properly.
4. Install pickup coil shield, if equipped, then install washer and distributor shaft.
5. Install tanged washer, shim and drive gear (teeth up) to bottom of shaft. Align drive gear and install new roll pin.


1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then remove distributor cap and rotor.
2. Remove switch retaining screws.
3. Disconnect electrical connector while pulling switch away from distributor.
4. Reverse procedure to install. After switch is installed, carefully rotate distributor shaft and check for interference with pole piece. If pole piece contacts switch, loosen switch retaining screws and realign switch as needed.