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Frame - Cracks At Top Flange: Overview


Number: 87-308-2A

Section: 2A
Date: December 1989 Corporate Bulletin No.: 962002

Model and Year: 1985-86 K TRUCKS 1987 V TRUCKS

Figure No. 1:


Under severe vehicle usage operations, some 1985-86 K1 and 1987 V1 trucks may exhibit a frame crack at the unused holes between the front shock and engine mount (See Figure 1). The crack may start in the top flange.
If this condition is encountered, the crack should be cleaned and welded and both frame rails repaired using the following parts and procedures.

Parts Information

Part Number Description

15646904 Kit - Containing right & left frame brace and attaching parts
and graphics.

Parts are currently available from GMSPO.

Welding Procedure:

(See Step 4 in Left Hand and Step 6 in Right Hand Bracket Installation Procedure) When gas metal arc welding (GMAW), use Electrode E705-3.

* When shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), use Electrode E7018.

* Clean as necessary with a stiff wire brush and a clean rag.

* Determine the inner end(s) of the crack by cleaning and grinding the surface.

* Drill a 1/8" hole at the end(s) of crack as an aid to stop crack progress.

* Grind a V-groove along entire length of crack.

* Weld the V-groove completely, filling the entire length past the hole(s) by 1/4".

* Grind smooth to allow tight reinforcement fit.