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With DA-V5 Compressor

Mounting View:

Front Head Orientation:

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DA-V5 Compressor Component View:

When servicing the Harrison DA-V5 compressor keep dirt and foreign material from getting on or into the compressor parts and system. Clean tools and a clean work area are important for proper service. The compressor connections and the outside of the compressor should be cleaned before any "on vehicle" repairs, or before removal of the compressor The parts must be kept clean at all times and any parts to be reassembled should be cleaned with Trichloroethane, naptha, stoddard solvent, kerosene or equivalent solvent and dried with dry air. Use only lint free cloths to wipe parts.

Drain the compressor and measure the amount of oil. Replace with new 525 viscosity refrigerant oil.

NOTICE: Remove the oil drain plug to make sure the compressor is drained completely Of oil.