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Pressure Regulating Solenoid: Service and Repair

Fig. 6 Solid Type Pressure Regulator:

A solid type pressure regulator valve must be used only in a pump cover with a ``squared off'' (machined) pressure regulator boss, Fig. 6. A pressure regulator valve with oil holes and an orifice cup plug may be used with either type pump.
1. Remove bottom pan and strainer.
2. Using a screwdriver or steel rod, compress regulator boost valve bushing against pressure regulator spring, remove snap ring, then gradually release pressure on valve bushing until spring tension is released. Pressure regulator spring is under extreme pressure and will force bushing out of bore when snap ring is removed if bushing is not held securely.
3. Carefully remove regulator boost valve bushing and valve, and pressure regulator spring. Be careful not to drop parts as they will fall out if they are not held.
4. Remove pressure regulator valve, spring retainer and spacers, as equipped.
5. Reverse procedure to install.