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Detent Downshifts (Valves In Second Gear Position)

Detent Downshift - Valves Shown In Second Gear Position:

DETENT DOWNSHIFTS (Valves In Second Gear Position)


While operating at speeds below approximately 70 mph, a forced or detent 3-2 downshift is possible by depressing the accelerator fully. This engages an electrically operated switch at the carburetor and activates the detent solenoid. The detent solenoid opens an orifice that allows line oil at the detent valve to be exhausted, thus permitting the detent valve to operate. Line oil acting on the detent valve and solenoid is supplied by a smaller orifice.

Drive oil on the detent valve is then regulated to detent pressure. Detent oil is then routed as shown.
1. Modulator Passage
2. 1-2 Valve
3. 2-3 Valve
4. 3-2 Valve
5. 1-2 Accumulator Valve
6. Vacuum Modulator Valve

Detent oil in the modulator passage and at the 2-3 modulator valve will close the 2-3 shift valve below approximately 70 mph shifting the transmission to Second Gear.

A detent 2-1 downshift can also be accomplished below approximately 20 mph because detent oil - is directed to the 1-2 valve exhaust port. This allows detent oil to close the 1-2 shift valve, shifting the transmission to First Gear.

Detent oil is also directed to the modulator valve to prevent modulator pressure from regulating below 70 psi at high speeds or at high altitudes.