Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Differential Assembly

Fig. 1 Exploded view of rear axle assembly. Except Corvette:

1. Raise and support rear of vehicle, then loosen axle housing cover bolts and allow lubricant to drain into suitable container, Fig. 1.
2. Remove axle housing cover, then proceed as follows:
a. Wipe excess lubricant from inside axle housing, then visually inspect parts for wear and/or damage.
b. Rotate gears and check for roughness, indicating damaged bearings or gears.
c. Install dial indicator on axle housing cover flange, then check and record ring gear to drive pinion backlash.
3. Remove rear axles and propeller shaft. Refer to AXLES, DRIVESHAFTS/COMPONENT R&R/PROPELLER SHAFT for procedures.
4. If not previously marked, scribe reference marks on differential bearing bearing caps to be used during reassembly, then loosen bearing cap bolts.
5. Using suitable tool, pry differential case, bearing races and shims out of housing until loose in the bearing caps. Remove bearing races, then the differential assembly. Mark side cups and shims for reference during reassembly.