Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Push Rod: Service and Repair

Fig. 7 Valve Train Components:

Fig. 8 Aligning Timing Marks:

1. Remove rocker arm cover
2. Remove rocker arm and shaft assembly, Fig. 7.
3. Insert screwdriver into bore of rocker shaft and break off ends of nylon rocker arm retainers.
4. Remove tops of retainers, then the rockers, noting position for installation.
5. Remove pushrods, noting position for installation.
6. Reinstall pushrods, if removed.
7. Install rockers on shaft, centering each rocker over hole in shaft, then install new retainers using a drift.
8. Before installing rocker arm shafts, align TDC mark on engine with mark on engine balancer, then rotate crankshaft 3 1/2 inches counterclockwise, or to first lower water pump bolt, Fig. 8. This will position engine so that all valves are closed. Tighten rocker arm shaft bolts to specifications, tightening bolts slowly to allow lifters to bleed down. The rocker arm shaft must be installed with the split in the ring around the shaft at bottom.