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Turbocharger: Service and Repair


1. Remove negative battery cable(s).
2. Remove upper intake manifold cover.
3. Remove self tapping screw holding CDR valve tube on top of turbocharger.
4. Remove the CDR valve and tube assembly from the air cleaner extension and right rocker cover.

Usually some quantity of oil will exist inside of the vent system. The crankcase vapor consists of vaporized oil that condenses within the vent and intake system. The inside of the air intake duct (rubber inlet elbow) and compressor wheel housing can be quite oily due to the venting of the crankcase vapors.

5. Remove the air cleaner extension (rubber elbow from air cleaner and compressor inlet).
6. Remove the two bolts retaining the air cleaner to the wheel well and lift the air cleaner assembly off the front air intake duct.

The right front wheel and inner splash shield can be removed for easier access to the turbocharger back flange nut.

7. Remove the vacuum hose from the waste gate actuator.
8. Remove both the long and short turbocharger braces.
9. Remove the hose clamps at the intake extension/turbocharger compressor connector hose.
-Slide connector hose over intake extension.

10. Remove the exhaust clamp at the turbocharger
11. Remove the oil feed hose and the oil return pipe.
12. Remove turbocharger flange nuts.
13. Remove turbocharger assembly from exhaust manifold.

Before Turbocharger Installation
A. Check the intake and exhaust systems leading to and from the turbocharger to ensure that no debris has entered the system. Any debris can cause severe damage during high speed operation.
B. Make sure that the turbocharger and exhaust manifold flanges are clean and free of any foreign material. Use a high temperature anti-seize compound on all threaded fasteners connected to the turbocharger.


1. Install the turbocharger assembly to the exhaust manifold.
2. Install mounting nuts to the exhaust manifold.
3. Install new gasket on the oil return pipe. Then attach the oil return pipe to the bottom of the turbocharger.


Fill the oil feed hole at the top of the turbocharger with a small amount of engine oil (1cc to 2cc) while rotating the compressor wheel. This action will lubricate the turbocharger shaft bearings.

4. Attach the oil feed hose to the top of the turbocharger.
5. Attach the exhaust pipe to the turbocharger with the clamp.
6. Install inner splash shield and right front wheel (if removed)
7. Slide the connector hose over the compressor outlet hose.Prior to installation, apply silicone sealant to the turbocharger compressor outlet hose to prevent oil leakage from the closed crankcase system. Make sure the connector hose is centered between the compressor outlet and the inlet extention housing.
8. Attach the long turbocharger brace by guiding the flat end of the brace under the heater inlet.
9. Attach the nut on the stud and the bolt into the end of the brace.
10. Attach the short turbocharger brace to the extension and compressor housing. Attach the short turbocharger brace bolts.
11. Attach the vacuum hose to the wastegate actuator.
12. Slide air cleaner onto the front air inlet duct and attach it to the fenderwell.
13. Attach the large diameter air cleaner bolt.
14. Attach the small diameter air cleaner bolt.
15. Attach air cleaner extension (rubber elbow) onto the air cleaner and compressor inlet.
16. Install CDR valve and tube assembly on right rocker cover and extension.Start self-tapping screw through CDR tube bracket and thread into bracket on turbocharger housing.
17. Install upper intake manifold over and bolts.
18. Attach negative battery cable.


Run engine at idle for at least 2 minutes after completing installation of turbocharger. While running the engine, check for any oil leaks at the oil supply and return hoses.