Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

"Z" Height Adjust

Fig. 1 Vehicle Trim Height:

1. Lift front bumper of vehicle up approximately 1.5 inches.
2. Gently remove remove hands and allow vehicle to settle on its own.
3. Repeat this operation twice more for a total of three times.
4. Measure ``Z'' height, Fig. 1.
5. Push front bumper on vehicle down approximately 1.5 inches.
6. Gently remove hands and allow vehicle to rise on its own.
7. Repeat this operation twice more for a total of three times.
8. Measure ``Z'' height.
9. Find the average of the high and low measurements. This is the ``Z'' height. ``Z'' height should be as follows:
a. On 1988-90 two wheel drive, 3.74 inches; four wheel drive 1 and 2 series less heavy duty front springs, 5.31 inches; four wheel drive 1 and 2 series with heavy duty front springs, 6.33 inches; four wheel drive 3 series less heavy duty front springs, 4.84 inches; four wheel drive 3 series with heavy duty front springs, 5.94 inches.
b. On 1991-92 two wheel drive, 3.74 inches; four wheel drive 1 and 2 series, 6.18 inches; four wheel drive 3 series, 5.70 inches.