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Servo Assembly - Rear

1. Drain and remove oil pan, then filter and gasket.


2. Remove servo cover to case bolts servo cover, gasket and retaining clip, per figure.

3. Remove retaining clip, rear servo piston, reverse servo piston seal and accumulator piston.

4. Remove inner and outer piston seals washer, rear servo spring and retainer.

5. Remove rear band apply pin and rear accumulator spring.

6. Check and measure the apply pin as follows:

a. Place gauge pin part No. J-21370 10 in servo bore, per figure.

b. Position band apply pin checking tool No. J-38737 or equivalent over the bore with hex nut facing parking pawl linkage.

c. Secure with two rear cover bolts, then torque to 18 ft. lbs.

d. Ensure gauge pin moves freely in tool and pin bore.

e. Determine correct pin length by torquing to 25 ft. lbs. the nut on gauge.

f. Refer to figure for proper pin selection.

7. Reverse procedure to install. Tighten retaining bolts to specifications.

8. Install filter and pan.

9. Fill transmission with proper fluid.