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Windshield Washer Fluid - Leaks Out Spray Nozzles

File In Section: 8 - Chassis/Body Electrical

Bulletin No.: 66-82-02

Date: April, 1996

Windshield Washer Fluid Leaks Out Spray Nozzles (Modify Cap Seal)

1994-95 Chevrolet and GMC C/K Models


Some customers may comment that windshield washer fluid leaks out of the washer spray nozzles for no apparent reason.


A combination of a full windshield washer reservoir, and high under-hood ambient temperatures may cause the windshield washer reservoir cap seal to become saturated with fluid which could restrict the vent hole in the cap. When this occurs, expansion may force fluid out of the system at the washer spray nozzles.


Carefully remove a 1/4 inch round section in the foam gasket attached to the inside of the windshield washer reservoir cap, directly under the cap vent hole. This will allow the vent hole to function as designed.

Warranty Information

For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:

Operation Description Labor Time

Washer Fluid Use Published Labor
N3750 Cap, Replace Operation Time

Labor operation is coded to base vehicle coverage in the warranty system.