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If synchronizer blocker ring replacement in necessary, the new blocker ring assemblies must be soaked in Dexron II-E or equivalent, for a minimum of ten minutes before installation.

1. Install detent ball and spring in 1st/2nd synchronizer hub on output shaft.

2. Assemble synchronizer as shown. Ensure synchronizer springs are assembled correctly, or hard shifting will result.

3. Install 1st/2nd synchronizer assembly, matching alignment marks made during disassembly.

4. Install three piece 2nd gear blocker ring assembly onto output shaft. Align slots in blocker ring with tabs in 1st/2nd synchronizer.

5. Install thrust washer onto output shaft, then using Snap Ring tool No. J-3736O or equivalent, install spiral snap ring.

6. Install second gear needle bearing spacer, then needle bearing assembly.

7. Install second gear onto output shaft. Align slots in second gear with tabs on blocking ring assembly.

8. Install second gear thrust washer, then snap ring.

9. Install three piece first gear blocking ring assembly onto output shaft. Align slot in first gear blocking ring with tab on 1st/2nd synchronizer.

10. Drop roll pin into output shaft, use pencil magnet if necessary.

11. While aligning notch in sleeve with roll pin, slide sleeve onto output shaft.

12. Install needle bearing assembly over sleeve.

13. Install first gear onto output shaft, then rear output bearing onto output shaft. The bearing taper must face the rear of the shaft.

14. Lubricate fifth gear splines with petroleum jelly, then position on output shaft.

15. Using a press and a capped length of pipe, 1 1/4 Inside Diameter (ID) x 14 inches long, press fifth gear onto output shaft. Ensure output shaft and gear splines are carefully aligned. If splines are improperly aligned, damage could occur when the gear is pressed onto the output shaft.

16. Using snap-ring pliers, install fifth gear snap ring, then install spacer and split needle bearing assembly onto output shaft.

17. Before pressing components together, ensure the synchronizer hub faces the short end of the output shaft. Hold third gear against the synchronizer to maintain blocking ring alignment.

18. Using a press and a 1� inch deep well socket, install 3rd/4th synchronizer, third blocking ring and third gear as an assembly.