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Fuel Tank Purging


1. Remove the fuel tank and fuel level sending unit assembly from the tank and drain all of the remaining fuel from the tank, refer to COMPONENT REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR PROCEDURES/FUEL TANK REMOVAL AND FUEL LEVEL SENDING UNIT.
2. Visually inspect the interior of the tank. If any fuel is evident, drain again.
3. Move the tank to a flushing area.
4. Fill the tank completely with tap water, agitate vigorously and drain.
5. Add a fuel emulsifying agent to the tank, refill with water, agitate the mixture for 10 minutes, and drain the tank completely.

NOTE: For the correct fuel emulsifying agent to water mixture, refer to the manufacturers specifications. Use an available emulsifying agent, such as "Product-Sol No. 913" or equivalent.

6. When empty, refill the tank until it is overflowing with water. Completely flush out the remaining mixture and empty the tank.
- If available, an explosion meter should be used to check for a negative reading.
7. Perform the required service work.