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Electro-Motor Cruise Control

Electro-Motor Cruise System

Multifunction Lever:

The Electro-Motor Cruise System maintains desired vehicle speed under normal driving conditions. The system has six modes: CRUISE, COAST, RESUME SPEED, ACCELERATE, TAP UP; and TAP DOWN.

Components of this system are the multifunction lever, cruise control module, vehicle speed sensor, vehicle speed sensor calibrator module, release switches, and electrical harness.

The module contains an electronic controller and an electric stepper motor. The controller monitors vehicle speed and operates the stepper motor. The motor moves a band and throttle cable to maintain the desired speed.

The module contains a low speed limit that prevents system engagement below a minimum speed, about 40 km/h (25 mph). The controller responds to signals from the multifunction lever located on the turn signal lever (figure 1).

A release switch disengages the system. It mounts either to the brake or clutch pedal bracket. When the brake or clutch pedal is depressed, the cruise system is electrically disengaged. The throttle returns to idle position.

NOTICE: To keep the vehicle under control, and to prevent possible vehicle damage, it is not advisable to use the cruise control on slippery roads. Using the cruise control In conditions such as on winding roads or in traffic or varying volume is not recommended. When traveling down a steeply graded hill, the cruise control should be disengaged by pressing the brake or clutch pedal lightly. The transmission can then be shifted to a lower gear range to help control vehicle speed.