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Compressor Control Switches Removal (HT6/HD6)

- J 39500-B R-134a A/C Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling and Recharging System (ACR4).
- J 5403 Snap Ring Pliers
- J 9553-01 O-Ring Remover

1. Recover the refrigerant using the J 39500-B.
2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the switch (2) in the rear head of the compressor.
3. Remove the switch retaining ring using the J 5403.
4. Remove the switch (2) from the compressor.
5. Remove the old O-ring seal from the switch cavity using the J 9553-01.
6. Inspect the switch cavity and the O-ring groove in the rear head for dirt or foreign material. Clean the components as necessary.