Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



1. Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.

Important: Remove the parts from the right front and the left front of the vehicle. Keep the parts separated.

3. Remove the stabilizer link nuts.
4. Remove the stabilizer link bolts.
5. Remove the stabilizer link spacer assemblies.
6. Remove the stabilizer shaft clamp bolts.
7. Remove the stabilizer shaft clamp.
8. Remove the stabilizer shaft.
9. Remove the stabilizer shaft insulators.
10. Inspect all of the parts for wear and damage.


1. Install the insulators to the stabilizer shaft. Face the slit in the insulator forward.
2. Install the stabilizer shaft to the frame and to the lower control arm.
3. Install the stabilizer shaft clamp to the insulator.
4. Install the stabilizer shaft clamp bolts to the frame.
- Tighten the bolts to 33 Nm (24 ft. lbs.).

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

5. Install the stabilizer link spacer assemblies.
6. Install the stabilizer link bolts.
7. Install the stabilizer link nuts.
- Tighten the nuts to 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.).
8. Install the wheel and tire assembly.
9. Lower the vehicle.