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Electronic Column Lock Module - Assemble

Electronic Column Lock Module Assemble - Off Vehicle (Standard Column)

- Tools Required
- J 41396 Park Lock Cable Pliers

1. Install the electronic lock module assembly (1) onto the steering column housing assembly.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

2. Screw the 3 pan head tapping screws (2) into the electronic lock module assembly.
- Tighten the pan head tapping screws to 7 Nm (62 inch lbs.).

Caution: Refer to SIR Inflator Module Coil Caution in Service Precautions.

3. Connect the park lock cable assembly (1).
- Place the lock cylinder in the OFF-LOCK position.
- Place the gear shift lever clevis into the PARK position.
- Press the locking tab on the end of the park lock cable assembly (1) into the slot in the electronic lock module assembly.
4. Install the ignition and key alarm switch assembly.
5. Install the upper steering column housing components.
6. Install the ignition lock cylinder.
7. Enable the inflatable restraint steering wheel module.