Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Owner Letter


Dear Chrysler Vehicle Owner:

Recently we learned that an incorrect Vehicle Emission Control Information label was installed on your car. The State of California inspects this label as a part of its emission testing (SMOG CHECK) program. The inspection may be performed on your car every two years and before it is sold. For these reasons, and to assure that your car complies with government regulations, we ask that you apply the enlosed labels to the underside of the hood. Without these labels applied to your car you may have difficulty in obtaining a Smog Certificate. Please refer to the figure on the reverse side of this letter for proper installation directions.

If you prefer not to perform the installation yourself, contact your dealer to make an appointment for the label applications. This service will be provided free of charge. Take the enclosed Owner Recall Notification Form and labels with you at the time of your appointment and give them to your dealer. The form identifies the vehicle and recall for which service is required.

If you have any problem obtaining the service, please contact the Chrysler Zone Service Office in your area. (It is listed under "Service Assistance" in your Operator's Manual.) A Zone representative will arrange for prompt servicing of your vehicle.

We regret any inconvenience this action may cause you. However, we believe the correction is essential to help ensure that your car will meet state inspection program requirements.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.