Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Zf Vane Type

1. Ensure fluid level and drive belt tension are correct, disconnect pressure hose and cap, then connect a spare pressure hose to pump fitting.
2. Connect spare pressure hose to gauge side of tool C-3309-E or equivalent, then the pressure hose from gear valve to valve side of tool L-4601 and C-3309-E or their equivalents. New fittings will be required on tool C-3309-E to adapt to new O-ring type hose tube ends.
3. Open hand valve on C-3309-E, insert a thermometer into fluid reservoir, start engine and allow fluid to reach a temperature between 150 and 170°F. Turn wheels from stop to stop to aid in warming fluid. Do not hold wheels against stop for an extended period. Internal pump overheating may result.
4. With engine at idle speed and gauge valve open, check initial pressure, should be within specifications. Refer to Steering and Suspension/Steering/Specifications.
5. If pressure is in excess of 100 psi, check hoses for restrictions and/or crimped oil lines.
6. Close gauge valve completely three times and record highest pressure attained each time. Do not leave valve closed for more than 5 seconds, pump could be damaged.
7. If recorded pressures are within specifications and range of readings are within 50 psi, pump is operating properly.
8. If recorded pressures are high, but do not repeat within 50 psi, flow control valve in pump is sticking. Replace pump.
9. If recorded pressures are constant, but less than minimum specification, replace pump.
10. If pump is within specifications, leave gauge valve open and turn steering wheel from stop to stop with engine idling. Record highest pressures attained at each wheel stop and compare with maximum pump pressure recorded previously. If this pressure cannot be obtained in either side of gear, gear is leaking internally and must be disassembled and repaired.
11. Shut engine Off, remove tool C-3309-E, reconnect pressure hose, then perform repairs if necessary.