Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Except Early Convertible

Fuel Tank Assembly:


It is necessary to remove the fuel tank from the vehicle to replace the fuel pump. Follow fuel tank removal procedure.
Fuel Tank

Fuel Pump Service:

1. Using a hammer and a non metallic punch carefully tap lock ring counter clockwise to release pump.
2. Remove fuel pump and 0-ring seal from tank. Discard old seal and pump inlet filter.


1. Wipe seal area of tank clean and place a new 0-ring seal in position on pump.
2. Before installing pump always install a new filter on the end of suction tube.
3. Position fuel pump in tank with locking ring.
4. Using a hammer and non metallic punch drive ring around clockwise to lock pump in place.

CAUTION: Extreme care should be exercised not to overtighten pump as it could leak.

5. Install tank.