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Ignition Timing: Adjustments

WARNING: Be sure to apply parking brake and/or block wheels before performing and engine running tests.

NOTE: To obtain optimum engine performance, the distributor must be correctly positioned on the engine to give proper ignition timing.

1. Place transmission in NEUTRAL and turn OFF all lights and accessories.

CAUTION: Do not puncture cables, boots or nipples with test probes. Always use proper adapters. Puncturing the spark plug cables with a probe will damage the cables. The probe can separate the conductor and cause high resistance. In addition breaking the rubber insulation may permit secondary current to arc to ground.

2. Connect timing light to number 1 cylinder. Refer to timing light manufacturer's instructions for proper connecting procedures.
3. START engine and allow to warm up to normal operating temperature.

Coolant Temperature Sensor And Ignition Coil:

4. Disconnect coolant temperature sensor electrical connector on thermostat housing. The CHECK ENGINE lamp on the instrument panel should illuminate once this sensor has been disconnected. Coolant fan will come on and stay on throughout the procedure.

Distributor Hold-Down:

Timing Scale -- Top, Front Of Bell Housing:

5. Check timing through timing window in transaxle bellhousing. If timing is within 2° of specifications do not adjust. If timing is incorrect, loosen distributor hold-down bolt and rotate distributor housing until correct timing specification is obtained. Refer to SPECIFICATIONS.
6. Tighten distributor hold-down bolt, and recheck timing. Reconnect coolant temperature sensor electrical connector, and erase any fault codes that may have been set. For clearing fault codes refer to COMPUTERIZED ENGINE CONTROLS.

NOTE: There is an additional socket in the bellhousing of the transaxle, it is a socket for a magnetic timing probe. Do not set the timing through this socket with a standard timing light. This socket is positioned 10 degrees ATDC and will yield inaccurate timing specifications if used with a standard timing light.