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EGR System Cleaning


Warning: Do not attempt to clean the Back-Pressure EGR system, control valve or transducer. Replace as a unit if necessary.


Note: When cleaning intake manifold EGR passages, care should be taken to ensure that all loose particles are completely removed to prevent them from clogging the EGR valve or from being ingested into the engine.

Remove carbon deposits as follows:

1. Disconnect vacuum hose from EGR valve, then remove EGR valve to intake manifold bolts and valve assembly.
2. Remove deposits from EGR intake manifold ports by hand, using a suitable sharp-edged tool. Caution: Do not use drills or wires to clean control passages in the throttle body, control valve, or the transducer as calibration may be altered and result in poor engine performance.
3. Install EGR control valve and transducer, using a new gasket, and reconnect the vacuum hose.
Note: Do not use solvent to clean the EGR passages as damage to the system may result.