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Using Bulk Container

1. Install the adaptor value with the handle turned all the way back (valve close) to the charging valve.
2. Connect the charging hose (blue) to the adaptor valve.
3. Connect the charging hose (blue) to the quick joint (for low-pressure).
4. Open the valve of the bulk container.
5. Turn the handle of the adaptor valve to bleed the air.

6. Install the quick joint (for low-pressure) to the low-pressure service valve.

NOTE: The low-pressure service valve should be connected to the suction hose.

7. Start the engine.
8. Operate the air conditioner and set at the lowest temperature (MAX. COOL).
9. Fix the engine speed at 1,500 r/min.
10. Tighten the handle of the adaptor valve (valve open), and replenish refrigerant checking the quantity through the sight glass.

CAUTION: Always keep the bulk container upright. If it is turned upside down, the compressor may be damaged by liquid refrigerant.

11. After replenishing is completed, turn the handle of the adaptor valve all the way in (valve close) and remove the quick joint.