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Handling No Trouble Code Problems

Each diagnostic trouble code (DTC)is diagnosed by following a specific testing procedure. The diagnostic test procedures contain step-by-step instructions for determining the cause of trouble codes as well as no trouble code problems. It is not necessary to perform all of the tests in this book to diagnose an individual code.

Always begin by reading the diagnostic trouble codes using the DRB. This procedure begins in the DTC TEST - Checking the System for Diagnostic Trouble Codes. This will direct you to the specific test(s) that must be performed.

A diagnostic trouble code that comes back within one cycle of the ignition key is a "hard" code. This means that the defect is there every time the Powertrain control module checks that circuit or function. Procedures in this manual verify if the trouble code is a hard code at the beginning of each test. When it is not a hard code, an "intermittent" test must be performed.

A diagnostic trouble code that is not there every time the powertrain control module checks the circuit is an "intermittent" code. Most intermittent codes are caused by wiring or connector problems. Defects that come and go like this are the most difficult to diagnose; they must be looked for under specific conditions that cause them. The following checks may assist you in identifying a possible intermittent problem:

- Visually inspect related wire harness connectors. Look for broken, bent, pushed out, or corroded terminals.
- Visually inspect the related harnesses. Look for chafed, pierced, or partially broken wire.
- Refer to any hotlines or technical service bulletins that may apply.

The reset counter counts the number of times the vehicle has been started since codes were last set, erased, or the battery was disconnected. The reset counter will count up to 255 start counts. The number of starts helps determine when the trouble code actually happened. This is recorded by the PCM and can be viewed on the DRB as the RESET COUNTER.

When there are no trouble codes stored in memory, the DRB will display "NO TROUBLE CODES FOUND" and the reset counter will show "RESET COUNT = XXX."

For diagnostic trouble codes covered, see the menu DTC TEST, at Diagnostic Charts.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Powertrain Control Module has been changed and the correct VIN and mileage have not been programmed, a DTC will be set in the ABS and Air bag modules. In addition, if the vehicle is equipped with a Smart Key Immobilizer Module (SKIM), Secret Key data must be updated to enable starting.

For ABS and Air Bag systems:
1. Enter correct VIN and Mileage in PCM
2. Erase codes in ABS and Air Bag modules.

For SKIM theft alarm:
1. Connect the DRB to the data link connector.
2. Go to Engine, Misc. and place the SKIM in secured access mode, by using the appropriate PIN code for this vehicle.
3. Select Update the Secret Key data, data will be transferred from the SKIM to the PCM.

After reading the System Description and Functional Operation, you should have a better understanding of the theory and operation of the on-board diagnostics, and how this relates to the diagnosis of a vehicle that may have a driveability-related symptom or complaint.

The "no code" system is broken down into three test methods:
- No Code Complete Test
- No Code Quick Individual Test
- No Code Quick Symptom Test