Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 2

5. Measure the clearance between the outer gear and the pump pocket (Fig. 180). Clearance should be 0.045 - 0.141 mm (0.0018 - 0.0056 inch)
6. Position an appropriate piece of Plastigage across both pump gears.
7. Align the Plastigage to a flat area on the reaction shaft support housing.
8. Install the reaction shaft to the pump housing. Tighten the bolts to 27 Nm (20 ft. lbs.)
9. Remove bolts and carefully separate the housings. Measure the Plastigage following the instructions supplied.

10. Clearance between outer gear side and the reaction shaft support should be 0.020 - 0.046 mm (0.008 - 0.0018 inch). Clearance between inner gear side and the reaction shaft support should be 0.0200 - 0.046 mm (0.008 - 0.0018 inch).

CAUTION: The cooler bypass valve must be replaced if a transaxle failure has occurred. Do not reuse old valve or attempt to clean old valve. When installing bypass valve, insert with O-ring end towards rear of case.

NOTE: Verify that Miller Tool 5058 is centered properly to the 2/4 clutch retainer before depressing the tool.

NOTE: Tag 2/4 clutch pack for reassembly identification.

NOTE: Tag low/reverse clutch pack for reassembly identification.

NOTE: Screw Tool 5049-A onto transfer shaft. Remove transfer shaft.

NOTE: Remove output gear stirrup and strap bolts.

All transaxles utilize a stirrup and retaining strap that is attached to the output gear. The stirrup prevents the output gear retaining bolt from turning and backing out of the rear carrier. The strap is used to hold the stirrup to the output gear and prevent the stirrup retaining bolts from backing out.

CAUTION: When installing, be sure guide bracket and split sleeve touch the rear of the transaxle case.

CAUTION: Drift bearing cup all the way around.