Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



1. Remove the three hex drive bolts and washers that attach the power steering pump to the water pump.
2. Use the following steps to access the water pump impeller hex.
a. Place a 1/4 inch drive 10 mm socket (4) in through the coolant inlet tube, then back it into the heater hose fitting area as shown. Backing the socket into the heater hose fitting makes it easier to perform the following step.
b. Holding the socket in this position, insert a 1/4 inch drive extension (6 inches in length or longer) in through the heater hose fitting into the rear of the 10 mm socket.
c. Push the socket with the extension into the pump placing the socket on the hex built into the center of the water pump impeller.
3. While holding the power steering pump shaft from turning using a hex wrench in the pulley end of the shaft, loosen the impeller by rotating the 1/4 inch drive extension counterclockwise using a ratchet. The water pump will rise off of the power steering pump as the impeller is rotated.
4. Once the threads have been disengaged, remove the entire water pump assembly from the power steering pump. If the water pump will be used again, the 10 mm socket and extension can be left inside the water pump until reassembly is completed.
5. If the water pump inlet cover needs to be removed, remove the seven fasteners around the perimeter of the pump and remove the cover. Discard the housing O-ring type seal.
6. If the power steering pump pulley needs to be removed.

NOTE: For reassembly, Assembly.