Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



1. Install side gears (1) and thrust washers (2) into case through opening and rotating into position.

2. Install pinion gears (2) and thrust washers (1) into case through opening and rotating into position.

3. Install pinion shaft (1).

4. If previously removed, install ring gear to differential case (1).

5. Install pinion shaft retainer (1).

6. . Install NEW ring gear-to-case bolts (2) and torque to 81 Nm (60 ft. lbs.) torque.

7. Install speedometer drive gear (1) to case. Note orientation of index tab.

8. Using Steel Block and Installer L-4440 (1), press speedometer drive gear (3) into position.

9. Using an arbor press (1), Handle C-4171(3), and Installer L-4410 (4), install differential side bearings to ring gear side.

10. Using an arbor press, Handle C-4171 (1), and Installer L-4410 (2), install differential side bearings (3) to case side.
Measure and Adjust Side Gear End-Play

1. Rotate the assembly (3)two full revolutions both clockwise and counterclockwise. Set up dial indicator (2) and record end play.

2. Rotate side gear 90 degrees and take another measurement (2). Again, rotate side gear 90 degrees and record a final measurement.
3. Using the smallest end play recorded, shim that side gear to within 0.001 to 0.013 inch. The other side gear should be checked using the same procedure.

CAUTION: Side gear end play must be within 0.001 to 0.013 inch. Five select thrust washers are available: 0.027, 0.032, 0.037, 0.042, and 0.047 inch.