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Removal of air from the engine cooling system only occurs when the engine is first warming up. Air in the cooling system will collect under the cooling system pressure cap while the engine is run and will be pushed into the coolant recovery container. When the engine cools down, coolant will be drawn from the coolant recovery container back into the active cooling system. Once the thermostat opens, deaeration no longer occurs. Multiple warm up and cool down cycles may be required to remove all the air in the cooling system. If the system is very low on coolant, deaeration will not occur. Following the proper cooling system fill procedure is essential for proper operation. This system will not function if the wrong cooling system pressure cap is installed. Ensure proper cooling system pressure cap is used. Verify proper pressure cap part number.

2.7L/3.5L/2.0L DIESEL

This engine has a pressure system to remove air from the engine cooling system. Removal of air from the engine cooling system occurs continuously when the engine is run at speeds above idle. Thirty minutes of normal driving after a properly completed service fill will deaerate the engine cooling system. This system will not function if the wrong cooling system pressure cap is installed. Ensure proper cooling system pressure cap is used. Verify proper pressure cap part number.