Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Hub and Pulley


NOTE: Typical clutchless compressor pulley drive hub shown.

This compressor design does not require the use of an electromagnetic clutch, as the A/C compressor is controlled by an integral control valve that allows refrigerant to bypass within the compressor A/C Compressor - Description.

The three bridges (1) located on compressor drive hub (2) are designed to break away in the event of compressor seizure. This action prevents damage to the serpentine accessory drive belt Hub and Pulley Inspection.

NOTE: The compressor drive hub and the pulley and bearing assembly can not be serviced separately from the A/C compressor. In the event of drive hub or pulley and bearing assembly damage or failure, the A/C compressor, drive hub and pulley and bearing must be replaced as an assembly.

The compressor drive hub and the pulley and bearing assembly can not be serviced separately from the A/C compressor. The A/C compressor must be replaced if the drive hub or pulley and bearing assembly is found to be worn or damaged.