Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Routine Service Defined

At Each Stop for Fuel

- Check the engine oil level about 5 minutes after a fully warmed engine is shut off. Checking the oil level while the vehicle is on level ground will improve the accuracy of the oil level reading. Add oil only when the level is at or below the SAFE or MIN mark.
- Check the windshield washer solvent and add if required.

Once a Month

- Check tire pressure and look for unusual wear or damage.
- Inspect the battery and clean and tighten the terminals as required.
- Check the fluid levels of coolant reservoir, brake master cylinder, power steering, and transaxle, and add as needed.
- Check all lights and other electrical items for correct operation.

At Each Oil Change
- Change the engine oil filter.
- Inspect the brake hoses and lines.

CAUTION: Failure to perform the required maintenance items may result in damage to the vehicle.